
Welcome to Troops 330 ! Keep in mind, Scouting is a family activity and we encourage parents to be involved in their Scout’s development.

“TROOP 330 is  Scout led Troop……”

Who we are:

Boy Scout Troop 3330 is a permanent and functioning community organization with a continuous history of over 70 years. It’s part of the Northern Star Council, Lake Minnetonka District of the Boy Scouts of America.

Troop 5330 for Girls was the first girl troop formed in the Lake Minnetonka/District M once the BSA was opened to girls in 2019.

The two troops are linked in that they are both officially chartered by the Chanhassen American Legion, Post 580 and share adult behind the scenes Troop Committee. We are both called Troop 330. Being linked allows us to share physical resources (tents, troop trailer, etc.) and adult volunteer resources (Troop Committee members, merit badge counselors, etc.).

Troop Meetings, Activities and Events:

Troop meetings are held on most Tuesday evenings during the school year and at least once a month during the summer. Meetings are usually held from 7:00 to 8:30 PM at Chanhassen Elementary School in Chanhassen during the school year. Set up and clean up is by a designated patrol which may extend their time from 6:45 to 8:30. Patrols are encouraged to meet on their own during the school year and especially during the summer.

Troop meetings are a time when Scouts work together with other Scouts to gain new skills needed to advance in rank. Older scouts work on required merit badge skills and mentor the younger Scouts. Normally, first year Scouts are placed in Patrols with other first year Scouts. The Scoutmaster and Senior Patrol Leader will assign Scouts to their patrol to work with them in their rank advancement, usually this will be an assigned Troop Guide. Troop Meetings are a Scout run evening with adults present to provide support. All parents are welcome at the meeting to observe and/or offer help when applicable.

While advancement is considered an important part of our Scouting program, it is not overemphasized. Our Troop is committed to the outdoor spirit. Scouting is where youth can get exciting outdoor action and have fun. Additionally, leadership skills development and community service are a part of what we do together as a troop. Scouting is where scouts can get exciting outdoor skills, community and civic pride, and leadership skills with accountability.

Troop 330 also holds special activities and events throughout the year. Rules of good conduct apply. Notifications are posted regarding upcoming events on our website and announcements are provided at troop meetings and on TeamSnap.

Court of Honor:

A Court of Honor is held three times a year in place of a regular troop meeting. Each Scout who has earned a rank or badge is recognized before an audience of family and friends. These are important events for each Scout to attend. All parents and families should plan to attend regardless of whether their scout is receiving any awards.

Leadership Positions:

The Troop has consistent adult and junior leadership. Troop 330 has Scout Leaders who participate in leader training courses at the Troop and Council levels. The Scoutmaster, Committee Chair, and the other adult leader members are required to be registered as BSA leaders, pass a criminal background check, take Youth Protection Training (YPT), take Boy Scout Basic Training and any other advanced leader training courses required of their position.

Behavior Policy:

Every Scout needs to know what is expected of him. Each Scout is instructed by the Boy Scout Leaders and the Adult Leaders on what is expected of him from the very first day of his joining Troop 330. The success of having an adventurous and safe outdoor program rests in the ability of each Boy Scout to take responsibility for his own behavior. All Scouts need to know what is “OK” and what is not. In order to guarantee acceptable conduct, all adult Scouters need to know what is expected of them. The policies outlined here establish the procedures for running Troop 330’s program.

The emphasis of the Boy Scout program is to promote and encourage boy leadership. In support of this program, Troop 330 adult leaders are present as advisers, providing a safe environment, and keeping the program oriented toward Scouting ideals. Troop, Patrol, Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) meetings, camping trips, and day trips are all run by boy leaders, not by the adults.

But, boys are “boys,” and there may be many times when you as an adult will question, “Why are they so disorganized?” “Why are the meetings so noisy and unproductive?” and “Why are the adults not stepping in and doing something?” In Scouting we believe that the best way to develop leadership is to let the boys have as much freedom as possible; applying just enough adult authority to keep them safely focused on the task at hand. As long as they are sincerely trying to accomplish the duties of their positions they are learning the rudiments of leadership. Safety is always paramount. Making mistakes and learning from them is how most boys move to the next level in life. What appears to be chaos to the uninitiated eye is actually forward progress.

BSA policy is written in various official publications and is the final authority for resolving questions of policy. The Troop Committee is the final authority for implementing BSA policy in Troop 330. Proposed changes to Troop 330 policy can be submitted to the Scoutmaster, the Troop Committee Chair or a Committee member for review at a Troop Committee meeting. As long as the proposal conforms with BSA policy, does not detract from the authority of the PLC and maintaining a boy run troop, and also allows the Scouts the ability to manage their own affairs, it is open for consideration.

Discipline is up to each Scout to maintain himself in a respectful manner at all times. If things get out of hand, and sometimes boys will be boys and they do, the Scouts work with each other to correct the action. If the situation is beyond the capabilities of the youth leadership or an emergency, the Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster, Committee member or troop parent will step in to help.

Scouts that have a difficult time controlling themselves (for whatever reason) may be required to have at least one of their parents with them at all Troop activities until the Scoutmaster determines that it is once again acceptable for the Scout to attend on their own. Regardless of the situation, every effort is made by the Scout Leaders and Adult Leaders to consider how best to handle the situation at hand on an individual basis.

The general discipline policy procedure:

  1. A Scout is asked by other Scouts to correct his actions.
  2. If no resolution, the Scout is reported to the Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster. The Scout is then asked by the Adult Leader to correct his actions.
  3. If the Scout does not correct his actions, the Scout is not allowed to attend the next two weeks worth of meetings/activities/events with notification going home via email or delivered in-person to his parent.
  4. After the two week period the Scout is allowed to return. If the Scout is then unable to maintain himself in a respectful manner, a parent is required to attend all troop meetings, activities and events with the Scout to help control his behavior until the Scoutmaster determines whether or not the Scout will remain a member of the troop or return to regular meetings with or without further restrictions.

The members of Troop 330 are like a family. We do our best to work through issues. Everyone has a place in Troop 330 and we encourage individual contribution, trying new things, freedom of expression and learning to work as part of a team.

Scouting is a family activity and we encourage parents to be involved in their Scout’s personal development.

“TROOP 330 is a Scout led Troop……”

The above headline is probably the most important statement that explains Troop 330’s success. Great efforts are made by the Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmasters, and the Troop Committee on a continuous basis to make this a reality. All of the adults involved with this Troop regularly check and support each other as needed. The Scouts do the same thing with each other.

It is easy to bark out orders, but Scouts learn and grow more when the adults advise, suggest, and counsel. Often this sense of a Scout’s personal responsibility is a first for many families and a challenge for parents as well. For many people it gets easier once you are around a year or so and witness the process in-action.

Our main form of communication is Scout-to-Scout. Since boys are famous for not communicating well at this stage of their lives, the troop maintains a website that is utilized as a communications tool. The website and TeamSnap are the best place for parents to know what is going on in Troop 330. T

If an adult ever has a general question, concern or comment they should speak with the Committee Chairman. The Committee Chair is the person that works directly with adults and takes care of adult-to-adult issues. The Troop Committee meets on the Sunday after the scouts’ PLC. Please see TeamSnap for the schedule.

Questions regarding the youth programs or specifically meant for a Scout should be communicated through the Scoutmaster. Adults should always remember to work through the Scoutmaster on youth related items because he is the liaison between the Boys and the Adults.

Emergency Communications:

The website will be updated ASAP to alert the members of Troop 330 when time and safety permits. However, when we are out camping, at an activity or event and we are in need of getting information to specific parents, we have developed a system of Emergency Communication to ensure fast and effective communication to parents.

  1. If a message is necessary, The adult leader in charge at camp/event/activity will notify the communications coordinator via phone, text or email (Depends on available signal outdoors).
  2. The assigned event communications coordinator, (usually a parent volunteer whom did not attend the event with us) will be in charge of relaying important information to parents.
  3. Parents will always keep their phone number on file with the troop to ensure proper communications and leave the phone on and where they can be reached in an emergency situation.

Emergency Communications Example: We are at a weekend camping adventure and bad weather is suddenly upon us. The adult leaders at camp decide to end the camp a day early to ensure the safety of the Scouts. The adult leader in charge at camp will contact the communications coordinator and have them contact the parents to let them know we are coming home early. On the way home we are stuck in traffic and estimate we are going to be two hours later than we initially thought. The adult leader then will advise the communications coordinator who will once again update the parents with the latest information. The communications coordinator may use all available means to make contact with parents with Phone being the first method of delivery followed by Text and then Email.

This information serves as the Troop 330 policy guide. Rules and regulations may be added or deleted on an as-needed basis to accommodate on-going growth and change.